Shashi Tharoor at the Oxford Union – How to be a whip in an Oxford style debate

As the Union debated upon whether or not Great Britain owed reparations to India, Dr Shashi Tharoor, Member of Parliament was called on to speak in favour of the proposition as their last speaker. Within the Oxford style of debating, he thus has a very specific role – refute the arguments made by the opposition while strengthening those made by his own side. The following article will attempt to elucidate and contextualize the arguments made in Dr Tharoor’s speech, and in the process explain the main role of the whip in Oxford style debates. After some light banter that strategically draws the crowd’s attention without wasting too much time, Dr Tharoor goes straight into his first refutation. Sir Ottaway had previously suggested in his speech that it was not a given that British imperialism had at all caused any economic harm to the colonies in consideration. Dr Tharoor counters this simply and effectively by means of a simple factual argument – the percentages of the world marke...